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Kumoh National Institute of Technology


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Wireless & Emerging Network Systerm Lab

WENS homepage

Research Fields

  • Future wireless communications, signal processing, unmanned mobility, quantum neural network, Internet of things, AI/Deep learning applications, etc.

Ongoing Projects

For details, https://sites.google.com/view/wenslab/projects/ongoing-projects?authuser=0

  • A Next Generation Radio Access Technology based on mMIMO, NOMA and OAM-IM for 6G (2022-03-01~2025-02-28)
  • Integration of Federated and Transfer learning between 6G base stations exploiting Quantum Neural Networks (2021-07-01~2025-12-31)
  • BK21FOUR MERIT (Medical, Electronic, Robotic, IT) Convergence Innovation Talents Training Group for Smart Manufacturing Innovation (2020-09-01~2027-08-31)
  • ICT Challenge and Advanced Network of HRD (Kumoh National Institute of Technology) (2022-07-01~2026-12-31)
  • EQM-Level Satellite Communication System Designs featured by Real-Time SatCom Routing Optimization (2023-07-01~2030-12-31)
  • Priority Research Centers Program : Civil-Military ICT Convergence Technology for Smart IoT Platform (2018-06-01~2026-05-31)
  • Grand ICT Research Center (Kumoh National Institute of Technology) (2020-07-01~2027-12-31)


  • Full scholarship : tuition and monthly stipend
  • 100% English medium
  • Domestic conferences : twice per year
  • Possiblt to join international conference
  • Participating opportunities for governmental and industrial R&D projects etc.


  • Prof. Soo Young Shin wdragon@kumoh.ac.kr / labwens@gmail.com